ACTS 16:9,10: And during the night a vision appeared to Paul: a certain Mac‧e‧do′ni‧an man was standing and entreating him and saying: “Step over into Mac‧e‧do′ni‧a and help us.” Now as soon as he had seen the vision, we sought to go forth into Mac‧e‧do′ni‧a, drawing the conclusion that God had summoned us to declare the good news to them.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bringing In The Sheep?

   Six months in Mexico has accustomed me to seeing many odd things but never before in my life had I seen something like this. We are used to seeing dogs roam the streets in Guasave, it seems as though there are a million of them around the city. But as we were on our way to conduct a bible study this evening we saw this fellow walking on the sidewalk and chewing up the flowers and grass in someone's yard:

   It was very odd because we were in the middle of a fraccionamiento not in some rural area. It was also odd because of what followed a short time later.
   As we got out of our car to head for the study's house, there were a bunch of kids riding their bikes and playing. As I have mentioned several times on the blog, we are something of a curiosity to many people here. So as we walk by we greet the kids "hola" and one or two say back to us "hello" and "happy to see you". We head for the house and now there is a group of them following us. Unfortunately the study was not home so we continued down the street to do a few not at homes we have on the block. Of course the group of kids continue to follow us.
   "Como se llama?" I ask the one who seems to be the boldest as he is walking very close behind us. "Jonatan" is his reply. "Ah, mi tocayo" I say to him. He asks what we are doing and I explain to him in Spanish that we are looking for English speakers. "Conoce alguien que habla ingles?"  I ask him. "Si" he replies, " un maestro en la proxima cuadra". I ask if he can show me the house and he agrees so off we go, Suzanne, Danielle, the two Jonathans and a now growing crowd of kids on their bikes. All headed for the teachers house who (we hope) speaks English.

some of the kids-Jonatan is second from the left

   When we arrive on the teacher's street we see a minivan headed for us. All the kids begin to shout out that the minivan is the teacher's car and his house is at the end of the block. They flag him down and introduce him to us. He tells us he is headed to another house in the community but we can talk there. So after getting the address we head back to our car, kids in tow and all.
  We get to the house and begin a conversation with *Miguel. He brings out a few chairs and we sit in the front and explain to him what we are doing in Guasave. A nice conversation follows in which he tells us that both he and his wife speak English. He spent his high school years living in the U.S. and is quite fluent in English. He apparently has had contact with Witnesses before as he asked us about the green bible. He also mentioned that some time ago he found a copy of the Daniel book for sale and bought it, and we talked for a bit about Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the image of Daniel chapter two and the lion's den. He has an interest in the bible but said he is very busy but was on vacation from work this week so we were able to find him. We invited him to the special talk on Sunday and he mentioned that he and his wife would like to come so we have arranged to follow up with him on Friday evening. We cut the conversation short as it was getting dark and the mosquitoes were beginning to feast on us.
   As we headed for home I thought to myself the angels are busy! Here we were looking for one person and not finding them we happened to be in the right place at the right time and found someone else with an interest in the truth. As we were walking down the street and the kids kept following us I was thinking why don't they go away?  Was it perhaps angelic direction as were it not for them, maybe we don't find Miguel and have the chance to talk to him. We thought about the oddity as well, finding a sheep on the street as we drove up? A metaphor perhaps? We will just have to wait and see...

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