ACTS 16:9,10: And during the night a vision appeared to Paul: a certain Mac‧e‧do′ni‧an man was standing and entreating him and saying: “Step over into Mac‧e‧do′ni‧a and help us.” Now as soon as he had seen the vision, we sought to go forth into Mac‧e‧do′ni‧a, drawing the conclusion that God had summoned us to declare the good news to them.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jarabaco-ahhhhh, Part Deux

Acts 16:15  Now when she and her household got baptized, she said with entreaty: “If YOU men have judged me to be faithful to Jehovah, enter into my house and stay.” And she just made us come.

   On Saturday we joined the Jarabacoa English Congregation in the ministry and met several of the friends from the congregation. One of the first we met was Sister Melanie Cole. She introduced herself and asked where we were visiting from. Not a minute went by before she invited us to dinner after the Sunday meeting. "Sure we'd be happy to", I replied and promptly forgot about the whole thing. Well this afternoon we arrived very early at the KH before the meeting- see photo below- and who is the first person we see? Sister Cole. She again asks us: "you are coming to my home this evening, right?" I tell you she and her family could not have been more hospitable. I was reminded of the example of Lydia, I felt like she did indeed just make us come.
   I am glad we did go. Not only did we get to have a fine meal and association but got to know another family of needgreaters (they are from Florida as well). The whole family was enjoyable to be around and their son Mason was a riot, cracking on his Mom and telling stories about her. As we headed home for the evening we were again refreshed by upbuilding association with our brothers and had that joyous feeling you always get inside when you've been with the friends.

early to the hall

Daniel, The Shoe Shine King

Lastly, I stand corrected. We were sharing our story about Daniel with some friends this evening and one of the elders described him perfectly and pretty much verified that his story is legit. He said he has used him several times to do his shoes since he does top notch work and he has been out there at his job for a while now. Lo siento, Daniel.

Tomorrow begins the last leg of our journey. We head to Santiago to join the English congregation there. We'll keep you posted....


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have had some wonderful experiences and met some wonderful people! I'm so happy for you. I love that last photo of you three! Glad you haven't gotten too lost down there. :)

    - Heather


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